In Freemasonry, every officer in the lodge is invested with a collar and jewel by the incoming Worshipful Master during his installation ceremony. The collar is light blue, the colour of craft Freemasonry, the “light blues”, to which is appended the jewel of the office.
Below you will see all of the Officers Jewels in order of “seniority” – with the exception of the Past Master who is not strictly an officer of the Lodge, and his jewel is the only jewel that is worn as a matter of right, all other officers are either elected by the Lodge members or appointed by the Worshipful Master.
Worshipful Master
The Square. The highest honour a Lodge can confer on any of its members.
Past Master
The only Jewel that is worn as a matter of “right”.
Senior Warden
The level.
Junior Warden
The Plumb Rule,
A book on a triangle surmounting a glory.
A Key. The Treasurer and Master are the two Lodge Officers that must be elected according to the Book of Constitutions.
Two pens in saltire.
Director of Ceremonies
Two rods in saltire.
A scrip-purse, upon which is a heart.
Charity Steward
A Trowel.
Two chisels in saltire.
Senior Deacon
Dove and olive branch.
Junior Deacon
Dove and olive branch.
Assistant Director of Ceremonies
Two rods in saltire surmounted by a bar bearing the word ‘Assistant’.
A lyre.
Assistant Secretary
Two pens in saltire, surmounted by a bar bearing the word ‘Assistant’.
Inner Guard
Two swords in saltire.
A cornucopia between the legs of a pair of compasses extended.
A sword.